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What is SEO?

Content SEO, SEO Copywriting, Technical SEO
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SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization”. It is the practice of optimizing web pages to achieve better positioning in the search results of Google and other search engines. SEO focuses on improving organic (unpaid) search positioning. If you have a website and want to attract more visitors these practices should be built into your marketing plans and budget. Let’s look at what SEO is.

Google’s Algorithm

The positioning in search results is determined by Google’s algorithm. Although Google’s algorithm remains a secret, years of SEO experience give us a good idea of which factors are important for good search ranking. We can divide these ranking factors into two groups:

On-Page SEO Factors

Your site’s ranking is decided in part by on-page factors. On-page SEO factors include technical aspects (site speed and markup of structured data for example) and content-related aspects (site structure, quality of publications, etc.).

Read also: 10 Important items for on-page SEO

Off-Page SEO Factors

Besides the on-page factors we have off-page SEO factors. These are factors external to the site, such as links received from other sites and participation in social networks. Because they are external factors, they are more difficult to work with and take more time to achieve good results. The most important off-page SEO factor is the number and quality of links that the site receives from other sites. The more quality links, links from relevant sites, the better your site will rank in Google.

Another off-page SEO factor is related to the segment your site/business is in. The more competitive the operating environment, the greater the efforts to reach better positions. It is much easier to rank an ecommerce that sells bonsai than an ecommerce that sells smartphones for example.

Holistic SEO

I try to work on SEO in a holistic way. Holistic SEO is the term I have adopted and is also used by other companies in the market. Basically it means: make and maintain the best website you can. Don’t try to fool the search engines with short-term tricks and strategies but rather build a solid, long-term SEO strategy. Your site will stand out if it features quality content and a good experience for visitors.

Read also: 6 Objections to SEO and how to deal with them

Ranking well permanently in searches requires a focused SEO strategy in all aspects of your site and marketing. Technical aspects, user experience (UX), and the content of your site must be constantly optimized for better positioning in Google.

In Brazil, Google is responsible for 97% of searches. So follow the best practices recommended by Google and your site will have a better chance of appearing well positioned.

Market share of search engines in Brazil
Market share of search engines in Brazil

Learning SEO

There are many ways to learn SEO. If you have a website and want to learn how to optimize it you can search for content on the internet, books or online courses. Because it is a broad subject I suggest you look beyond basic knowledge to specific topics such as site structure, technical SEO, keyword research, content SEO, link building, etc. These are just a few aspects of SEO that you need to master to rank your site well in searches.

If you don’t have that much time to learn but want to better position your site or your company, I offer a complete SEO consulting service focusing on every aspect of on-page and off-page SEO.


SEO is the practice of optimizing websites to achieve better positions on Google or other search engines. I believe that holistic SEO is the best way to achieve better positions because it works on every aspect of your site. Do not use black hat techniques as you may eventually be punished by the search engines. Practice SEO in a sustainable, user-focused way, and the results will show.

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